Working from home. Staying focused. Starting tasks. Finishing tasks. Holding yourself accountable. Moving past procrastination. Keeping up with household chores. Doing the boring work.
If you find all these things easy, that’s amazing! What a gift! Enjoy that.
If, though, you’re like me and all these things sounds really hard and you don’t know what to do to make it easier…
Welcome! You’re in the right place.
My weekly Ponte Las Pilas Coworking Calls (every Wednesday at 1:30pm ET) are perfect for entrepreneurs, neurodivergents, creatives, and anyone who wants an extra dose of effectiveness mid-week.
Using body doubling and the Pomodoro Method, we get things done, together!
Want to join us for FREE?
What does “Ponte Las Pilas” mean?
This is one of my favorite Spanish idioms, and it was a natural choice to name these weekly online events.

“‘Ponte las pilas‘ is a spirited Spanish idiom translating literally to ‘put the batteries in.’ Despite its literal meaning, the phrase communicates an encouragement to work diligently and focus better. It’s akin to English exhortations like ‘get it together’ and ‘you can do this.'”
Marcel Iseli –
How perfect, right?
The goal of these sessions isn’t to kill ourselves hustling. It’s to get a lil’ extra boost of energy and do what we’re meant to do: follow our dreams!
Body Doubling
What the heck is that? Here’s a definition I liked.

“ADHD body doubling is a productivity strategy used by individuals with ADHD to finish possibly annoying jobs while having another person beside them. This person is the body double, [and their] duty is to keep the individual focused on the task at hand to reduce potential distractions.”
Zawn Villines –
My free coworking calls are exactly that!
People working on different tasks, together!
Just like when I was back in college at the library. I didn’t know what to call it then, but I knew that I would get more done in the library because people could see me (and therefore see me if I got distracted). It really helped me stay on task! And I would get so much done.
By the simple act of us all being in study mode together, we helped each other, even if we didn’t know it.
Of course, sometimes we would risk distracting each other. Hey, it’s college! It was bound to happen.
But that’s where the structure of Pomodoro sprints come in!
The Pomodoro Method
The Pomodoro method consists of splitting your work time into work “sprints” and breaks. 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off. You set timers to keep track, and you respect the work time AND the breaks.
As in, get up from your desk, move around, do something else, and stay away from screens if you can.
It WORKS, y’all!
25 minutes is just enough time to get into and maintain a flow state, while being short enough that you don’t burn out from your task or get sore from sitting so long.
And the 5 minute breaks are the perfect length to take a bio break, grab a snack, or just dance to a song or two before getting right back to it!
Who is it for?
This is for you if:
- you struggle with procrastination or perfectionism
- you are neurodivergent
- you want accountability buddies
- like nice, friendly people
- need a predictable pocket of time each week to get things done
In reality, these events are for EVERYONE!
You might get a bonus benefit if you’re a neurodivergent entrepreneur, a creative, or if you have a personal brand, as that’s the audience I am uniquely equipped to help.
But ANYONE can get benefit from these online community events!
Parents. 9-5 employees. Side hustlers. Artists. And anyone in between!!
Vibe / What to expect

It’s chill. It’s casual. It’s social. It’s fun!
We always start out the call sharing our focus for the call: What do you want to work on? What do you hope to accomplish?
We share not to feel bad if we don’t finish! We share so that we know where to start and so we’ll know what success will look like.
The chat is always open for you to ask for help/support/feedback on what you’re working on!
You can bring WHATEVER you want to work on:
- read a book
- do laundry
- create content
- do your taxes
- declutter your junk drawer
- make lunch
- do a face mask
- nap
- create art
- launch your business
ANY task you’re struggling to start/work on/finish is valid.
If you’re a creative entrepreneur, I can give feedback on brand strategy, brand photography, work-life balance, neurodivergent entrepreneurship, and other things in those arenas! And our breaks are a great time to get my support 💚
And these coworking calls are 100% FREE, always.
(Psst…you can fuel my coffee/boba addiction by sending me a tip via Venmo if you like! Never expected, always appreciated)
1:20pm (ish) – we open the call for a lil social time
1:35pm – share your focus for the call – what do you want to work on?
1:45pm – first 25 minute work sprint
2:10pm – 5 minute break – move around!
2:15pm – second 25 minute sprint
2:40pm – 15 minute halftime break – chat and ask for support!
2:55pm – third 25 minute sprint
3:20pm – 5 minute break – move around!
3:25pm – final 25 minute sprint
3:50pm – wrap up!
How to Join
Click the button below to sign up for our free coworking calls!
EVERY Wednesday | 1:30-4pm ET | Online | FREE!!
Will I see you next time?
Join us!
Ponte Las Pilas Coworking
January 17, 2024